Here we go again

I’m back writing.

I used to own where I blogged about restaurant & food reviews, travel & lifestyle, and musings about random things. It was a bit of respite from the corporate job, and I enjoyed experiences that came with the perks (read: free food, travel, products).

The more the blog got traction, the more it became a multi-channel/numbers game. At the time, influencer marketing had only started rolling out and social media quickly became quite a saturated space. You needed to be omnipresent and likeable enough to stand out and be seen/heard.

I tried at first. I networked, posted a heapload, overused hashtags, replied to everyone commenting, etc. It got tiring, and I realised I wasn’t really competitive enough to take part. I really didn’t care much for the next big #PRinvite event, didn’t update my media rate card, couldn’t be bothered to curate my feed.

I realised my blog was losing its original purpose: a platform for me to write thoughtfully. It used to be my safe place to rant about shit service without PR folk asking for amends. My list pad for newfound favourites – music, books, lipstick, etc. A home on the interwebs that felt truly mine.

But it stopped being fun. So I decided to end it.

I had an interesting experience but I’m mostly grateful for the people I’ve met through blogging. Some of them still pursuing their influencer status, some of them retired hobbyists like me. Some of them better than others, some of them genuinely great and some of them greatly genuine.

I’m going back to basics: writing on an online platform because I just want to write. Because sometimes screaming into the void is still better than spontaneously combusting.

In short, I’m just here to write.


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